Ian Anderson (BComm, CFA) Ian joined Grindrod Asset Management as Chief Investment Officer in September 2009. Prior to that, he ran his own consultancy where his clients included Marriott Asset Management, Fortress Asset Managers (part of the Resilient group of companies) and the Property Loan Stock Association of South Africa. Ian was the Investment Director at Marriott Asset Management from 2002 to 2007, having joined the firm as an Investment Analyst in 1996. Ian has been involved in the management of specialist listed property portfolios for the past 15 years.
Richard Henwood Richard has over 12 years of investment experience which he gained in both the UK and South Africa. He spent 9 years in London working for global investment manager Schroders Investment Management, and hedge funds Trafalgar Asset Managers and CapeView Capital LLP. There he gained valuable insight into various investment strategies including long-only, event-driven, credit, private equity and long-short equity. He returned to South Africa in 2013 and worked for Atlas Trading (Grindrod) before joining Bridge Fund Managers (formerly Grindrod Asset Management) in 2014.